Monday, February 8, 2010

A Fun Moment

Anybody who asks me, and several of those who didn't, about school will hear me reply, "This is so much fun", and it is. For a living, my entire job is to read something, write about it, and talk about it in class. If I can figure out how to do this for the rest of my life, I'd be happy.
Several times in two of my classes, I have replied to an instructor with what I thought was the correct answer to their question, only to hear sounds of shock from the teenage girls in the room. I've overheard them whisper to their friend, which happens to be the only time they talk in class, "Did he really just say that? OMG!?"
Well, today I had one of those moments, only this time it was an instructor. He asked me a specific question about one of the characters from a short story we had to read for class, and I gave him my honest answer. My explanation took less than sixty seconds and tied in elements from several parts of the story, plus comments made by the teacher from several of the previous classes, plus my own personal insight on the world. As I was speaking, my instructor kept backing up, slowly, until his butt made contact with his desk. He neither interrupted nor made a comment until I had finished. (I think perhaps he was trying to see where I was going with my analysis before jumping in.) When I finished, he paused for a few seconds, used both hands to run them through his hair, looked up at the ceiling for a moment, back to me, and said, and I quote, "Wow. Ok. Interesting." It is so much fun to make the instructors do that. He did not disagree or tell me I was wrong, so perhaps I got a gold star today.

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