Thursday, January 21, 2010

A surreal two weeks

Life has its own way of jumping up and biting you in the ass every now and then. It did so last week when Dad died. It is moments like that which cause the world to turn slower on its axis. Not the planet itself, but rather the six inches of space surrounding us. You can see through your personal fog that the world is progressing on its merry way, oblivious to your situation, however you feel as though time is slowing down as things approach your physical presence. Not only the hard-cast physical things, but the air molecules themselves seem to change. I continued to breathe normal, in, out, repeat as necessary, but I seemed be to short of breath and light-headed. Does one's aura affect matter? Hmmm. If there is a guru out there who makes enough to pay for internet access, let him speak now, or just think of the answer.
So, here I am, in the library, studying for a quiz for tomorrow. I am reading the textbook on my Kindle and taking notes on my laptop. I know I didn't study much in the 1980's, when I tried to do this a few decades past, but this struck me as another in a long line of surreal moments. So much digital as I sit in the library with hundreds of thousands of books. Certainly not as surreal as last week, but it is its own moment.

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