Monday, October 12, 2009

What IS it all about?

It's a good thing that we have the unlimited storage space of the digital world for me ask this question. It may take a lifetime to answer it. As I don't really know how to start, I'll attack this question with observations on life. Perhaps that's where the answer lies. The only way to find out where the road goes is to drive there. Well, drive, walk, crawl, stroll, pub-crawl, bus, cab and then back to driving.
Speaking of driving, the driving is getting easier. Thank goodness for cruise control. If I didn't have the ability to let the car keep the speed, I'd be moving down the highway at about 45 miles per hour. Whereas the driving is ok, the parking isn't. In the past two weeks, the number of times I have lost my car in a parking lot is becoming embarrasing. It was easier last month. There weren't all that many vehicles, and all of them were larger than my PT Cruiser. At least I have not been forced to use the "horn" button on the remote to locate it. Maybe I need a flag on the radio antenna, or a dirtier car?

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